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Mission And Function

The Directorate of Forensic Science Laboratory is a part of the Government machinery, functioning under Home Department providing Forensic Science Laboratory and Forensic Science Services as laid down in The Government of Mizoram (Allocation of Business) Rules, 2019.

The Directorate of Forensic Science Laboratory provides Forensics Services, right from collection of evidences from scenes of crime and examination of exhibits in the laboratory; generating unbiased scientific reports on cases connected with criminal and civil disputes. Scientific methods of investigations, fundamental concepts and modern techniques of Forensic Science are also taught to Investigating Officers and forensic science students in order to promote and improve the criminal justice delivery system in the state.

The Mizoram Forensic Science Laboratory is committed to provide competent and unbiased services of scientific examinations at the scene of crime, in the analysis of clue materials at the laboratory and by deposing expert testimony in court of law to uphold justice to the society. The laboratory is taking active steps to follow International Standard Quality Management System based on the guidelines of ISO/IEC-17025 (2005), NABL-113.


The main functions of FSL may be summarized as follows:-

  1. Visiting scene of crimes and aiding the IOs in the detection and collection of evidences, reconstruction of crime scenes and furnishing crime scene examination report.
  2. Scientific examinations of exhibits/samples received at the Laboratory and generation of scientific reports.
  3. Providing expert opinion in the court of law.
  4. Providing theoretical and practical training to Police personnel from different districts & Police stations in the aspect of scientific method of investigation.

National Forensic Sciences University National Portal of India (india.gov.in) Mizoram State Police Bureau of Police Research and Development National Crime Record Bureau State Portal of Mizoram (mizoram.gov.in) Directorate of Forensic Science Services (MHA)